What might I experience while taking the remedy?

Every experience is very different and depending upon the layer the body is working on. The experience also depends upon how aware the individual is.  Changes are taking place immediately whether one is aware of them or not.   Most of what will be felt or experienced will be in the first 7-10 days.  For some they experience emotional releases for others it is felt on a physical level and they feel immediate relief.  Then there are some who feel it on a spiritual level. Some are capable of feeling it on all levels simultaneously.  As each layer is detoxified you become lighter and lighter in frequency.  You will become more and more aware as the density leaves your body.  If you stop feeling things from the remedy it is still VERY important that you continue the tincture until the end of the bottle, because you want to anchor in that new state into the body.  The body will adjust to the new frequency and feeling of being free of those toxins.  It will feel different. You will feel lighter but the body needs to integrate the new state, this is why it is so important to finish the remedy. 


How often do I take the remedy?

The remedies are designed to be taken 3 times a day. Morning, noon and night.  However, depending on how your body responds to the remedies will determine how fast or slow you need to go.   Some layers are deeper than others.   For example, if the emotions that are being felt are too intense while the cells are releasing the memory you may pull back on the remedies and take them twice a day, even once a day if neccessary.  This will allow you to process your emotions more gently.  You do NOT want to stop however once you have started.  It is very important to continue once you have begun taking the remedy.  The outcome will still be very effective even if you feel you need to slow down for a while and then increase the dosage later.  Remember, with homeopathy sometimes slower and longer is best.  There are no accidents.  Whichever dosage you decide works for you will be divine.


How long does the remedy last for?

If the remedy is taken 3 times a day it will last about 30 days.  If you decide that you need to take the remedy twice a day obviously it will last a little longer.



When do I come back for a follow up?

It all depends upon the health challenge you are going through.  If you experience complete relief of the complaints you were having at the time of your consultation that is wonderful.  Most people seem to just want their symptoms to go away, but relief of symptoms does not mean that you are completely healed.  Remember symptoms are never caused by something that happened yesterday, they are caused by an accumulation of toxins over a period of time.  For some a long period of time, for others shorter.  Total health is when all systems are working totally in harmony with each other, not just when your symptoms go away.  If you stop the layering process whether TBA or any alternative healing methods, most likely the symptoms tend to come back.  The goal is to get to the root cause of the problem.  Dis-ease is formed by a combination of layers.  If complete healing is what you want to achieve from the inside out, it requires commitment and diligence in healing those layers in a particular order which are revealed in your TBA evaluation.  It is hard to know exactly how many layers need to be corrected, but based on my experience thus far, the more imbalanced or dis-eased the individual the more time it takes.  But, what is a year out of your life if you have been unwell for most of your life?  Month to month remedies seem to help these kind of people the most, where as once every 2 or 3 months seems to work for others.  Basically just listen to your body.  The soul talks to you through your body, if you listen carefully you will know exactly when you need another remedy.


What if I am physically unable to come for another remedy?

That is no problem. Being that there is no time or space, I can connect with your spirit whether you are in my presence or not.  I would ask that you either send a recent photograph of yourself, by yourself or have someone close to you come and surrogately test for you.  For example mother, father, friend, spouse, etc..  I do this all the time.  Sometimes children that are so little can not sit still, it would be best to surrogately test the mother or father.  As long as they are thinking of you, that is enough to change the cells in their bodies, where I can get an accurate reading.  Although, this is not a method all people are comfortable with, faith and trust in the process is neccessary.
