What are the ingredients of the remedy?
The ingredients of the remedies are a certain percentage of Distilled Water, Willard Water (a mineral water taken from ancient earthbed), and a small amount of Brandy. The Brandy acts as a decontaminant and also helps preserve frequency.
Where do I store the remedies?
Due to each remedies' unique customized frequency, the remedy must be kept away from high generated frequencies, such as cell phones, computers, microwaves, etc. Also it is best not to expose them to the sun for long periods of time, such as on a window sill. The remedy should not be kept in the refrigerator. It is best to store them in a cool dark place, such as in a cabinet or on a shelf away from other high frequency items. If you need to travel with them, they could be wrapped in tin foil which should protect them from exposure. Please, however, do not leave them in a hot car all day. Wrapping them in a wool garment will help hold a neutral temperature.
How do I take the remedies?
The remedies are administered by taking a half of a dropper full and squeezing the tincture into the mouth. One must be careful to not let the dropper touch the inside of the mouth. Remember everything has a frequency. If you touch the end of the dropper to your mouth, teeth, tongue, etc.. and then you put the dropper back into the tincture, you may change the frequency of the tincture. You want your remedy to do the job it was intended to do. If the frequency changes the body might decode it differently. If that happens it will not hurt you, however it may not be as effective. When you put the drops in your mouth, you may drop it on or under the tongue.
What if I accidently hit my mouth with the end of the dropper?
Just bless it really good and try not to make a habit of it. Hold the dropper farther away from the mouth when you squeeze the tincture out. This will keep the end of the dropper far enough away.
What happens when I take the remedy?
Once the remedy touches the tongue, the nerve pathways send the information about 200mph to the brain. The brain immediately sends the message to the body and the body(organs) will begin to eliminate the toxins. The electromagnetic signals in the solution are like radiowaves that you can not see, but like a radio can detect and convert into beautiful music, the body's immune system is able to decode the signatures in the liquid and convert them into instructions your body will use to eliminate harmful toxins. Also the nutrients that are identified in the customized remedy will bypass the toxins and support the body. The brain communicates to the body(organs) to metabolize or absorb the nutrients better via through food or supplements. Thus, the body initiates regeneration, of old dis-eased tissues.
Why is it so important to detoxify?
The body is always rejuvenating cells. However, if the cells are toxic, the body will regenerate new toxic cells! If the toxins are released from the cellular memory, the cells will then rejuvenate perfect healthy cells.
What are toxins?
Most people think of toxins in a physical way. Such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, chemicals, etc.. But there are emotional toxins and spiritual toxins as well that do just as much if not more harm than the physical. It is the correction of body, mind and spirit which will make us whole and healthy with balanced systems. The average human being is exposed to over 100,000 toxins a day!
What is cellular memory?
The cells are primarily made of water. We know scientifically now that water holds a memory greater than anything. When a person has a traumatic event occur in their life, that emotion of that trauma resides in the cells of the body. Sometimes it is held in certain organs in the body. Organs can not process certain emotions. The cells can hold that memory or emotion forever. Even if you think you have dealt with the emotions in your mind, the cells have not forgotten. This creates toxicity.
Why does the body need to detoxify in a specific order?
Going to the root cause of an imbalance in the body too fast may create what is called a "healing crisis". You may feel sick or you may have symptoms of any kind. A healing crisis is not harmful. It may not feel great however. It means that you may have begun to move toxins out-of-layer, or too fast for the body to eliminate. Think of the body as an onion. You can not get to the core of the onion without cutting through the layers surrounding the onion. There is a way that each body feels safe in its detoxification process. The TBA protocol and program is designed to take care of this problem. However, the program can not take care of both old waste in the body and keep up with the new waste being added. One must achieve a healthy diet and lifestyle as well.
How are the remedies made?
The remedy maker machine copies information, or the frequency in the vials that are customized for you and then they are transferred into the mother solution in the bottle. The machine uses the same technology a computer uses to copy a file from one disc to another. The mother solution is the solution the machine will imprint the frequency into. Frequencies can be placed into any object or item, but they will hold longer and be more effective if they are placed in a solution that has a healthy oxygen content. Oxygen helps to retain the information in the molecules of water. Once the frequency is copied, the remedy is succussioned. This is a method of banging and vigorously shaking the solution against the palm of your hand at a rapid pace. This action forces the molecules of water to remember the imprinted frequencies.